I was Blind

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Brothers and sisters come and listen to me

Ah brothers and sisters Oh listen to me

I’m down on my luck, I’m lying and cheatin’ and stealin’

I lost my dog, I lost my family

I’m drowning my sins in a bottle of whiskey

Smokin’ the Mari-j-juana most every day


Don’t know if I’ve lied to the angels. don’t know if I’ve lived in sin

but when the devil comes a knockin’ you know I’m just gonna let him in

Oh bartender another

Bartender another for my brothers and sisters

for my brothers and sisters, oh bartender another


I’m afraid as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s mind, I too will be led astray

I’m blind and looking down at the bottom of my bottle, I’m blind but now I see

Oh I can tell you I know what I must do


Bartender, may I have another x2


Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life

so let’s get wasted and have the time of our life
Oh bartender for my brothers and sisters x2

May I have another x3


Brothers and sisters come and listen to my sermon x2

My church has become these walls of colored glass and mirrors

My disciples are the raven, the snake and the beast

I’m afraid but I urge you to courage, I urge you to strength

Better is the end of everything or is it the beginning?

I ask this question cuz’ my glass is empty


Bartender, I need another drink x2